Thursday, February 23, 2017

being honest

Alright, I have to be honest. I am a 25 year old woman who struggles with what life means to her. I want to be more minimalist because I am surrounded by items and clothes that harbor loads of memories that I can't seem to let go. Ex-boyfriend sweaters, folders full of love notes, band t-shirts from high school. I feel like it honestly is hindering me and isn't allowing me to grow and expand, because I am constantly being pulled back by these things. These items are playing with my emotions and I find myself being placed back in the days when things weren't so complicated and I was just a teenage girl. I am a 25 year old woman.. I sincerely need to start fresh, and donating and throwing out these memories will be a great start.

I want to start taking photos and documenting my progress; maybe have a post targeting a specific section of my apartment. I have already started to throw out lots of makeup that I don't use anymore. I don't think I have much anymore, but I still have an urge to remove more items. I could start this documentation with cleaning out my beauty/skincare products in my bathroom.

My life is cluttered.. cluttered with tangible and intangible memories. I am very excited to start this journey.

xoxo, steph

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

starting fresh

Hello everyone! I am using this blog as a way to track my journey towards minimalism, and hope that you can enjoy the ride and possibly adopt a more minimalist lifestyle as well. I want to dabble into the beauty and makeup community, and hopefully find my holy-grail (HG) products and only buy items when I am running low. I believe the makeup community has grown so much over the years since the days when makeup gurus, like Michelle Phan, were regularly posting YouTube videos that they recorded in their bathroom with bad lighting and bad angles. YouTubers have such high production in their videos these days, which in turn have allowed them to gain massive amounts of followers and have the sponsorships and money to purchase high-end makeup from Giorgio Armani and Christian Dior.

Over the years, I feel like I have been sucked into their advertisements and testimonies on how amazing these high-end products were and that I needed a huge collection of it. Don't get me wrong, though. I am a sucker for luxury beauty items and will dish out $40-$50 on a foundation that works with my oily, sensitive skin. I guess my point here is that I don't need five different foundations, ten eyeshadow palettes, and 50 liquid lipsticks. My lifestyle does not require me to leave the house in full drag makeup, so why the excessive amount of products?

I don't want to focus solely on beauty and makeup, but I do love talking about it. Again, I hope that this blog (and you!) will help me track my journey to minimalism and encourage me to donate/throw away items that I do not find useful day-to-day. The end goal here is to find peace in non-materialistic items, save money, and to inspire ya'll (I'm from Texas, haha) to do the same.