Thursday, February 23, 2017

being honest

Alright, I have to be honest. I am a 25 year old woman who struggles with what life means to her. I want to be more minimalist because I am surrounded by items and clothes that harbor loads of memories that I can't seem to let go. Ex-boyfriend sweaters, folders full of love notes, band t-shirts from high school. I feel like it honestly is hindering me and isn't allowing me to grow and expand, because I am constantly being pulled back by these things. These items are playing with my emotions and I find myself being placed back in the days when things weren't so complicated and I was just a teenage girl. I am a 25 year old woman.. I sincerely need to start fresh, and donating and throwing out these memories will be a great start.

I want to start taking photos and documenting my progress; maybe have a post targeting a specific section of my apartment. I have already started to throw out lots of makeup that I don't use anymore. I don't think I have much anymore, but I still have an urge to remove more items. I could start this documentation with cleaning out my beauty/skincare products in my bathroom.

My life is cluttered.. cluttered with tangible and intangible memories. I am very excited to start this journey.

xoxo, steph

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